

Practical ways to improve your body through a holistic approach: nutrition, fitness, biohacking, and more.

body Brian Comly body Brian Comly

Dryer Sheets, Non-Stick Cookware, & Toothpaste: 3 Fatal Conveniences

Darin Olien's book, "Fatal Conveniences," sheds light on the toxic products and harmful habits that pose health risks. It explores common daily items like toothpaste, non-stick cookware, and dryer sheets, revealing their potential dangers and environmental impacts. Olien provides practical alternatives and recommendations to minimize exposure to harmful chemicals, making it a valuable resource for those seeking a healthier lifestyle. The article highlights three key takeaways from the book, addressing concerns about fluoride in toothpaste, the hazards of non-stick cookware, and the toxicity of dryer sheets.

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body Brian Comly body Brian Comly

The Minimum Effective Dose Of Protein Intake

Protein is important for many reasons, including ones that go beyond bigger biceps. It improves our skin, bones, and immune system, and it even impacts chronic conditions like diabetes. Yet most of us aren’t getting enough of it. So what is the minimum effective dose of protein to make sure our body isn’t just surviving but is thriving?

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body Brian Comly body Brian Comly

The 12 Best Tips To Lower Body Fat

Discover what a good body fat percentage is, why keeping your body weight in a healthy range is important, and the 13 best fat loss tips to do this. The first six tips are the most effective while all of them may influence your scale. Most importantly, prioritize adherence. Do what makes you healthy and happy for sustainability.

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