The Health Benefits Of Organic Coffee

"Coffee, the favorite drink of the civilized world."

—Thomas Jefferson


Coffee, a beloved morning companion for millions, is more than just a daily caffeine fix; it's an integral part of our routines, providing comfort and energy as we navigate life's demands. Yet, there's an often-overlooked aspect of this cherished brew: its organic counterpart.

In a world where about 97% of the world's coffee is non-organic, these beans are frequently exposed to chemicals like herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides, making their way unsuspectingly into our morning cups. As I savor my daily brew, it's not just about the taste and caffeine kick; it's also a conscious choice for my health. This newfound awareness has led me to explore the health benefits of organic coffee and the potential pitfalls of its non-organic counterpart.

Join me as we uncover the intriguing world of organic coffee and how it can contribute to a healthier coffee-drinking experience.

health benefits of organic coffee beans

Benefits Of Organic Coffee

There are four main reasons to choose organic: benefits to the environment, benefits to the farmers and laborers involved, benefits to your health, and the taste.

1. The Environment

Firstly, organic coffee cultivation practices prioritize environmental sustainability. By avoiding the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, organic coffee farming helps preserve soil health and protects local ecosystems. This approach contributes to the conservation of biodiversity in coffee-growing regions, as the absence of harmful chemicals allows for a more harmonious coexistence between coffee crops and surrounding wildlife. Scientific studies have also shown that organic farming methods can mitigate soil erosion and reduce the environmental impact of coffee production.

2. Ethical And Fair Trade Benefits

Secondly, choosing organic coffee aligns with ethical and fair trade principles. Many organic coffee producers prioritize fair compensation for farmers and laborers involved in the coffee supply chain. This commitment to fair trade practices ensures that those at the grassroots level of coffee production receive equitable wages, which can be a lifeline for communities in coffee-growing regions. This not only supports the livelihoods of coffee farmers but also promotes social and economic sustainability, fostering a more equitable global coffee industry. 

Choosing organic coffee also means that these workers don't need to use pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals which means that they are at less of a risk of health concerns. 

3. The Health Benefits Of Organic Coffee

Secondly, the health benefits of organic coffee cannot be overlooked. Organic coffee beans are cultivated without the use of synthetic chemicals, which means they contain lower levels of pesticide residues and other toxic compounds.  Mycotoxins are a type of toxic compound created by certain fungi (mold). 

Here are some toxins often found in coffee.

  • Ochratoxin A (OTA): OTA is a “neurotoxic, immunosuppressive, genotoxic, carcinogenic and teratogenic mycotoxin.”  It creates oxidative stress and disrupts protein synthesis and immune system function.

  • Acrylamide: Acrylamide is a neurotoxin and a probable human carcinogen.  This mycotoxin appears when coffee is roasted, however, the heat emitted during the roasting process has been shown to kill it off.  I tend to limit light roasts and opt for medium or darker roasts in order to allow the beans to be exposed to more heat for this reason.

  • Aflatoxin B1: Aflatoxin B1 is a carcinogen produced from mold which has been linked to liver cancer.

  • PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons): PAH is a "probable carcinogen" that is found in foods cooked at high temperatures or roasted at high temperatures such as in the case of coffee.  

  • Pesticides: Some pesticides found in coffee are methyl parathion, endosulfan, and chlorpyrifos (banned in the U.S. because it causes birth defects). Pesticides are linked to many health issues such as:

    • ADHD

    • Low IQ

    • Cancer

    • Depression

    • Fertility issues

    • Alzheimer's

    • Parkinson's

    • Immune system damage

    • Respiratory issues

  • The best way to avoid pesticides in your coffee is to buy organic coffee and to make sure it is thoroughly third-party tested.

Coffee is a powerhouse of bioactive compounds such as flavonoids and phenolic acid.  And organic coffee has been shown to have even more of these antioxidants.  Antioxidants like chlorogenic acids have been linked to various health advantages, including reducing oxidative stress, having a positive impact on fertility and diabetes, and improving the health of various organs such as the skin, heart, liver, and eyes.

4. Does Organic Coffee Taste Different?

The taste and flavor of coffee can be influenced by various factors, including cultivation methods, soil quality, and processing. When comparing organic coffee to non-organic coffee, there are discernible differences in taste and flavor that stem from these distinct production approaches. Organic coffee often offers a cleaner and more nuanced flavor profile due to the absence of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Without chemical interference, the natural flavors of the coffee beans can shine through, resulting in a more authentic and unadulterated taste experience. Organic coffee enthusiasts often describe their brews as having a purer and more vibrant flavor.

Non-organic coffee, on the other hand, may carry the taste of chemicals used in conventional farming, as synthetic pesticides and fertilizers can leave residues on the beans. This can sometimes lead to a slightly bitter or harsh undertone in the coffee's flavor. Additionally, non-organic coffee may not be as environmentally friendly, which can indirectly affect the taste. For example, unsustainable farming practices in non-organic coffee production can lead to soil degradation and a decline in overall coffee quality over time.

healthy organic coffee brand: lifeboost coiffee

The Best Organic Coffee

I’ve tried a loooooooooot of coffee in my day. Just like with my beer, as I get older, my appreciation for a good brew increases with age. But it goes beyond just the taste. I’ve come to recognize that what I put in my body is critical to my health so not only do I drink organic coffee but I drink the best organic coffee I can find: Lifeboost Coffee.

Of all of the coffee I’ve tried, Lifeboost stands apart for a few reasons other than the fact that it's organic and naturally high in antioxidants. Here are some of the other benefits of Lifeboost Coffee.

  • It’s shade-grown. Shade-grown coffee beans are grown under a canopy of trees. This helps to protect the beans from the sun and allows them to mature more slowly. Shade-grown coffee beans are generally considered to be lower in acid and higher in antioxidants.

  • It’s single-origin. Single-origin coffee beans are grown in a specific region or country. This means that the beans have a unique flavor profile. Single-origin coffee is also generally considered to be of higher quality than coffee blends.

  • It’s low-acid. Lifeboost coffee beans are naturally low in acid. This makes them easier on the stomach and can help to reduce symptoms of heartburn and GERD.

  • It’s tested for toxins. Lifeboost coffee beans are tested for over 400 toxins, including mycotoxins, heavy metals, and pesticides. This ensures that the coffee is free of harmful contaminants.

  • It’s freshly roasted. Lifeboost coffee beans are roasted to order. This helps to preserve the flavor and aroma of the coffee.

  • It tastes good. The taste varies depending on the roast level, but it is generally described as being smooth, balanced, and flavorful. The medium roast has hints of chocolate, caramel, and nuts, while the dark roast has a more intense flavor with notes of chocolate, coffee, and smoke.

Coffee isn't just a morning ritual; it's a decision that affects my health and well-being. As I've delved deeper into the world of coffee, I've discovered the significance of choosing high-quality beans. That's why I've made the switch to a high-quality organic coffee. If you’re a frequent coffee drinker then I highly recommend you choose a coffee brand that tests for common health concerns such as heavy metals and mycotoxins.

For more on health considerations with brewing your coffee, read this article: How To Make The Healthiest Cup Of Coffee.

Brian Comly

Brian Comly, M.S., OTR/L is the founder of MindBodyDad. He’s a husband, father, certified nutrition coach, and an occupational therapist (OT). He launched and the podcast, The Growth Kit, as was to provide practical ways to live better.


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