Preventing & Treating Cancer With Katria Foe

"Cancer is not caused by 1 thing, then it makes sense that there will not be a single cure."

—Katrina Foe

Embarking on the journey of cancer treatment and prevention often leads individuals down divergent paths, each offering its own promises and pitfalls. In the midst of this maze of options, Katrina Foe stands out as a guiding light, offering clarity, empowerment, and hope through her holistic approach to integrative oncology.

Katrina Foe Cancer

As a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist specializing in Integrative Oncology, Katrina's journey from cancer survivor to healer is one marked by defiance against conventional wisdom and a steadfast commitment to empowering individuals to reclaim their health naturally. Her journey began with a startling discovery—a golf ball-sized lump in her left breast while nursing her fifth child. Refusing to succumb to the conventional oncologist's roadmap of chemotherapy, radiation, and invasive procedures, Katrina embarked on an unconventional path guided by functional medicine and holistic nutrition.

In this interview, Katrina shares insights gleaned from her personal journey and professional expertise, offering a glimpse into her unique approach to cancer treatment and prevention. From the pivotal role of diet in metabolic health to the importance of personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs, Katrina's holistic approach offers a beacon of hope for those navigating the complexities of cancer care.

Join us as we delve into Katrina Foe's transformative journey, exploring the intersection of science, nature, and empowerment in the fight against cancer. Through her unwavering commitment to addressing the root causes of cancer and empowering individuals to reclaim their health, Katrina Foe stands as a testament to the transformative power of holistic healing.

5 Questions With Katrina Foe

1. If someone is diagnosed with cancer, what are the first recommendations you make when it comes to treatment?

When someone comes to me and has a cancer diagnosis, the first thing that I recommend is to evaluate their diet.  Otto Warburg laid out for us in 1931 with his Nobel Prize-winning work that cancer is a metabolic disease so we want to focus on a clean ketogenic diet.  

While dialing in the diet, we run the full array of functional tests in order to determine all the reasons that their body was so overwhelmed that it allowed this cancer to proliferate.  This is where we want to make sure that we are testing, not guessing and we don’t want to miss anything by running tests one at a time.  Once we know what is out of balance, we create a custom plan to support their body with all the nutrients it needs and to eliminate any toxins and/or pathogens.  This allows the burden to be lifted on the body so that it can do the job it was created to do and the body cures its own cancer.  So instead of working against the body, we are working with it to support it as it eliminates rogue cancer cells.  Because a tumor is simply a symptom, not the enemy.

2. What types of lifestyle changes or modifications do you typically recommend to individuals looking to prevent cancer recurrence or reduce their risk of developing cancer in the future?

The overarching idea here is to reduce the toxin load on the body so that it can function properly which would mean it can be more effective at addressing rogue cancer cells before they become full-fledged tumors.  

It is essential that people eliminate vegetable oils (soy, corn, canola, etc.) from their diet because they are rancid and highly inflammatory.  I also encourage everyone to reduce the intake of preservatives, dyes, artificial sweeteners, etc. from their diet as much as possible.  The idea is to eat real, whole food which, unfortunately, has to be intentional nowadays.

In order to further reduce the toxin load, it is important to reduce the amount of contact with plastics and receipts that you have, especially when talking about hormone positive cancers as these can throw off your hormone balance as well as containing other toxins.  It’s also good to evaluate and replace products in your daily life such as cleaning products, aluminum and nonstick pans, toiletries and makeup, laundry detergents, etc.  When you know what chemicals, molds, and heavy metals are an issue for you in particular, you can then use this to do extra detective work to ensure that you stop the inflow of these toxins.

Depending on what type of toxins the client has burdening their body, I often recommend things such as coffee enemas, infrared saunas, and intermittent fasting.  For those that are looking to have a healthier life overall, it is always a good idea to make sure that gentle movement is incorporated into daily life along with sunshine, fresh air, healthy relationships, and lots of activities that bring you joy.  Sometimes these simple basics can get overlooked and need to be intentionally brought back into daily life.

cancer cells

3. How do you navigate the integration of natural, holistic approaches with conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy when the goal is the best results with the least amount of damage to the body?

First off, using a strategic approach to support the body to heal is a possibility.  But if a client wants to integrate standard of care practices, there are amazing ways to make it more effective as well as to support the body through the process.  

Just like with any clients, I first clean up the diet and get them into ketosis.  What most people don’t know is that chemotherapy and radiation are much more effective if done when in a state of ketosis which can be attained through diet and/or fasting.  It amazes me when clients come back from chemo telling me how they were offered cookies and juice in the chemo lab when we know from research that this is making their treatment less effective.  

If a client is doing surgery, I highly recommend before and after to do lymphatic drainage massage with a skilled professional.  This can be amazing for healing and preventing/addressing lymphedema.  And if they are undergoing radiation, I recommend that they look into medical grade hyperbaric oxygen therapy to help mitigate radiation injuries.   

In conjunction with these common practices, it is a great idea to get all toxins (see above) out of the environment, support the body nutritionally, and integrate prayer and/or meditation.  Often these procedures can trigger a ton of fear and anxiety which is important to deal with so that they don’t create more distress in the body.

4. In your experience, what are some common misconceptions or myths surrounding cancer treatment and prevention that your program aims to address and debunk?

Most people have heard that cancer is genetically driven and are excited to find “the cure” for cancer.  The truth is that less than 10% of cancers are caused by genetically inherited mutations and there will never be a cure.  Is this shocking?  Well when you take into consideration that cancer is not caused by 1 thing, then it makes sense that there will not be a single cure.  Cancer is a perfect storm of 6-8 areas that are off - it’s multifactorial and very specific to the individual.  

People are also often misled that doing the standard of care procedures will “cure” their cancer.  Keep in mind that these treatments are focused on getting rid of the tumor - at which they are often successful.  But in order to truly live without fear of cancer, you must get to the root cause and answer the question, “Why was cancer allowed to proliferate in the body?”

Ideally, we would do the functional work of discovering the root cause drivers of cancer specific to us before the cancer is actually manifesting.  Yes, you can see this coming and prevent it as well as circle back around after doing the standard of care in order to address these imbalances and therefore prevent cancer in the future!  

Think about it, if the soil that grew the original cancer is not changed, are you really surprised when it grows back?  Let’s change the soil and prevent it from growing back or from ever growing in the first place!

This is my passion - to help people avoid having to go through what I went through.  It is hard, it is expensive, and it does go against the grain, but it’s also effective and saves money and heartbreak in the long term.


5. Can you discuss the importance of personalized and individualized treatment plans within your program, considering the unique needs and circumstances of each participant?

When clients come to me, they usually have already gotten the low hanging fruit and are “doing all the things.”  That’s why I start with the full spectrum of functional testing in order to peek under the hood and see what is going awry that they aren’t even suspecting.  And then protocols are customized to that person to address exactly what has shown up on their tests.  It is not a one size fits all approach and is not using supplements that generically help everyone.  

In the alternative cancer space there are many practitioners that are giving huge supplement lists and expensive in person therapies such as IV vitamin C to everyone that comes in.  While many of these things are fantastic, they often aren’t doing the testing to see what will move the dial for that client - some of these regimens are actually harmful depending on the metabolic state the client is in and this isn’t being tested for.  When we are just throwing wet spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks instead of strategically testing, we are wasting time, money, and draining hope.  Instead, I recommend using the beautiful tests we have and stop guessing.

If you are interested in learning more about what the 10 root cause drivers of cancer and how to test for them, then use this link to get the free ebook The Roadmap to Prevent Cancer Recurrence.  


Brian Comly

Brian Comly, M.S., OTR/L is the founder of MindBodyDad. He’s a husband, father, certified nutrition coach, and an occupational therapist (OT). He launched and the podcast, The Growth Kit, as was to provide practical ways to live better.


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